The changes to Seabreeze's gates will not be skin deep. The park is also installing a new point-of-sale system developed by Gateway Ticketing Systems in an effort to streamline the entire admissions process. When Seabreeze opens for its 130th season on May 16, guests will enjoy a quicker and more efficient experience when entering the park.

� 2009 Seabreeze Amusement Park
Major construction projects aside, Seabreeze's staff have also been going about the usual off-season activities. Among the many rides serviced was the park's train, which features authentic coal mine cars from the Odenbach Shipyard. All cars have been repainted and the train's decorative turkeys received some extra TLC from staffer Matthew Caulfield (pictured above), who painted them by hand. Apparently painting is among Matthew's many talents, as he also operates the carousel, maintains the merry-go-round and band organ, and serves as the park's archivist. Whew!
To view some great pre-construction renderings of Seabreeze's new gates, visit the park's web site. While you're there, be sure to sign up for Seabreeze's e-mail newsletter so that you can stay on top of all the wonderful things happening at this historic park!
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